Terms and Condition

Privacy Law Library (hereinafter “website”) is made and compiled by the Centre of Communication Governance at National Law University Delhi (hereinafter “we”, or “us”). By using this website, you agree to these terms.

General conditions

All content on this website bears a Creative Commons license, namely CC BY-NC-SA 4.0; accordingly, you shall be free to (1) use the material for any non-commercial use for free, provided that there is, (2) appropriate attribution to us, and (3) you use the same license on any derivative works.

We reserve the right to take down the website, remove or change certain parts of its contents without notice.


Everything on the website is for informational purposes, and we give no warranties as to the accuracy of the content displayed.

Legal advice

This website has been prepared by lawyers, but we are not your lawyers. So no content on the website shall be construed to be legal advice.


To ensure that our users have the best experience possible, we collect certain types of non-personal anonymized data, and we use certain third-party services for the same. These include,

Google analytics

Records information about your device (type, screen size, OS, browser), how you got to the website (google, social media link, directly, etc.), and your behavior on the side (pages looked at, time spent, etc.). You can see more about Google Analytics and its applicable policies (incorporated herein by reference) here.

Elastic search

To optimize our search and the accuracy of its results, through Elastic, we collect your search queries. It may retain access to your data, so please read its terms and privacy policy (incorporated by reference) too.

Third-party websites

Across the website, we may redirect you to certain third parties’ websites including Indiankanoon, for full-text of the judgments, and our profiles on Twitter, Facebook, and Linkedin. This policy shall not extend to their website, so please read their terms and privacy policy carefully.

Governing Law

These Terms of Use shall be governed by and construed per the laws of India.


We reserve the right to make changes to these terms at any point in time. Based on the importance of these changes, we may notify you with a pop-up or list down the updates with the relevant dates.

Contact us

For any queries, clarifications, or to exercise any of your data rights under the GDPR or any such applicable law, feel free to contact us at ccg [at] nludelhi [dot] ac [dot] in.